Work with us

We’re recruiting a new Director! More info here:


Interested in volunteering with Souster Youth?

Souster Youth provides a variety of opportunities for volunteers, in schools or helping behind the scenes as part of our office team. Whether you can give an hour a week or a day a week, please do get in touch with us. Here are a few of those opportunities:

In school

Teaching lessons or workshops; delivering assemblies or form times; mentoring a student; running a lunchtime activity; helping to deliver various courses; helping with an after-school club

At the Souster HUB

Creating new resources; helping with administration; organising events; training the team.


For an informal chat about how you could get involved please feel free to get in touch, or fill in the application form below and we will get in touch with you.

Ready for an adventure?

The Souster Youth Development Year is a voluntary, flexible and action-packed year of youth ministry experience, theological development and character shaping.