YMT Experience: From the U.S!

While browsing the web for any possible interactive youth ministry training online back in January of 2021, I came across Souster Youth’s monthly Youth Ministry Training sessions. Little did I know that I would be working alongside a wonderful group of people from England, all the way from San Diego, California in the United States!

Getting involved within the Youth Ministry Training sessions, you will meet many warm & friendly individuals who want to bring our young people closer to God. I have participated in the YMT series, Our Story, that touched on many diverse and uplifting testimonies from youth ministry leader participants. This series has focused on providing ideas on how we could genuinely connect with our young people during these tough times, a chance to express your story, opportunity to network, time for prayer, and much more that we youth workers can benefit from.

This training has helped me with my youth and community work that I carry out here in the United States. As I work with all youth across the San Diego Unified School District, foster care system, and juvenile detention centers, all of the new techniques and experiences I have gained from this very wonderful training experience has provided me with a brand new concept on helping our local youth gain more of a loving relationship with themselves and God.

If you have the opportunity to participate within Souster Youth’s YMT groups, I encourage you to become involved as soon as possible!

Aleighna Stempien-Smith, Movement BE Program Director & Instructor


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January 2022 Newsletter