Young people today are facing huge challenges: digital technology is reshaping our world, there is a lack of wisdom around relationships & sex, and mental health issues are increasing.
As much as at any point in history, the next generation needs the ministry of the church. This youth ministry can provide support, wisdom and hope where it is so often lacking. We believe that the Christian faith speaks directly to the issues young people face and offers them a radical alternative – “life to the full”.
Decreasing numbers of young people in churches across the UK tell a significant story. Perhaps this tells us that young people don’t see church as a place for them. It might tell us that we have failed to reach out in relevant ways, and that we’ve not successfully passed on the wisdom for living that has been ours for millennia.
We believe the best youth ministry tackles the issues young people face today and good theology offers hope for the realities of daily life. Even if we know all of this it can be hard to know where to start with a group of young people.
We’ll be grappling with all of this because youth ministry is an awesome privilege and you don’t have to do it alone.
Youth Ministry Training is back! With all the good stuff from last year plus lots of completely new stuff.
Over 10 months we’ll be exploring ten key issues young people face today with ten theological responses that reconnect young people and their world. It’s for youth ministers, volunteers and church leaders.
You’ll hear a range of local and national youth specialists unpack the topics and some specific ways Christian thought and practice can help young people to live more freely and fully. But this is more than theory…
Each time you’ll receive a ready-to-use session you can run with your youth group based on that month’s topic.
• A home-cooked meal
• Speaker Q&A
• Get to know other youth ministers and share ideas
• Space to reflect and plan
• 3 books/resources worth over £25
9th Sept - Environment & Rebellion
14th Oct - Grief & Mourning
11th Nov - Mental Health & Grace
9th Dec - Consumerism & Radical Love
13th Jan - Sexuality & Image of God
10th Feb - Anxiety & Peace
9th Mar - Pornography & Desire
11th May - Pressure & Sabbath
8th June - Technology & Freedom
13th July - The System & The Way
Discuss - This is your chance to share your ideas and hear from others. Discussion groups will be facilitated by a member of the team to explore key questions from the evening and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute.
Question - This is your chance to grill the speaker during a hosted Q&A session. You might have a question about something they’ve said, or want to hear more about a particular aspect. You might also be able to get their top tips for delivering their ready-to-use session.
Reflect - This is your chance to get some valuable thinking space. Some of you will want to plan your next session with your young people, whilst others may want to sit and think about the implications of what you’ve been hearing. We want to create a bit of space at YMT, how you use it is up to you.